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Nursing essays examples

Nursing essays examples

nursing essays examples

Jun 09,  · Why I Want to Be a Nurse: Example B. After I got my examination results, and I told my parents that I wanted to be a nurse, they had mixed feelings. Yes, they always knew I wanted to help people, study hard, and work in the medical field. However, the fact I had chosen nursing and not anything else despite my high GPA was not wholly welcome for them Nursing Theory From the View of a. Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. Nursing Theory from the View of a Mirror, Microscope and Telescope. The objective of this work is to examine perspective of nursing theory from the view of a mirror, a microscope, and a telescope Oct 20,  · Reflective Nursing Essays. The reflective nursing essays below were written by students to help you with your own studies. If you are looking for help with your reflective nursing essay then we offer a comprehensive writing service provided by fully qualified academics in your field of study

Why I Want to Be a Nurse Essay Samples -

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! Abstract: This paper explores the personal nursing philosophy I plan to convey in my nursing career, nursing essays examples. I believe the nature of nursing is rooted in nursing essays examples commitment to public service and the undeniable desire to help those in need. Nursing is more than treating an illness; rather it is focused on delivering quality patient care that is individualized to the needs of each patient.

My philosophy of nursing incorporates the knowledge of medicine while combining it with relational, compassionate caring that respects the dignity of each patient. I believe nursing nursing essays examples should be holistic while honoring patient values. A crucial aspect of nursing is interprofessional relationships, and collaborative efforts among healthcare professionals promote quality patient care. My philosophy of nursing extends to my community in which health promotion is something I will continually strive for.

deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Nursing essays examples. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.

deadline 8 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes, nursing essays examples. Personal Philosophy of Nursing, nursing essays examples. For as long as I can remember I have been overwhelmed with a longing desire to care for those in need, and I feel this ultimately led me to the career choice of nursing.

I feel most fulfilled when I am serving and caring for others, and my personal nursing attitude is one that is centered on compassion and service. My philosophy is one that focuses on the empowerment of each patient in the delivery of holistic nursing care. This paper will explore the values I feel are necessary for relating to patients as well as health professionals, my personal work culture, and society as a whole.

Personal Philosophy, nursing essays examples. The Nature of Nursing. The nature of nursing is something that cannot be simplified into one word or phrase. Nursing is more than a profession; it is more than treating those who are ill, rather it is a model of care and service to nursing essays examples, and it is continually evolving. The nature of nursing revolves around a commitment to public service and an nursing essays examples desire to help those in need.

It is my belief that crucial aspects of nursing include the prevention of illness, the treatment of the ill, and the promotion of health, as well as caring for clients.

Caring acknowledges what is important to the patient Austgard,and I feel this shapes the delivery of nursing care. I believe to say that caring is not intertwined with nursing is to say that breathing has nothing to do with oxygen; for the two go hand and hand, and nursing would not be what it is without its aspect of caring, just like breathing would not be possible without oxygen.

The nature of nursing should revolve around respect for each patient and the reverence for human dignity. The nature of nursing is nursing essays examples rooted in science and medical knowledge. It is the goal to prevent illness and treat those who are ill, and this requires a base level of medical knowledge to make nursing care possible. Since the medical field is something that is continually evolving, nurses must keep up to date with the current best practices and delivery of patient care.

Nursing is a process that requires continual research and learning, nursing essays examples. Nursing and Patient Care. In regards to nursing and patient care, my philosophy of nursing focuses on holistic, patient-centered care, as well as a caring and compassionate patient relationship. A holistic view of the patient allows the nurse to connect with patients on a relational level in which nurses get to understand the values of patients, and this kind of practice separates physician care from nursing care.

I believe it is important for patients to be informed and be active in their care, and I hope to have a collaborative relationship with my patients so that their needs and wants are met. I value what is important to each patient, and even if his or her wishes are something I personally nursing essays examples with, it is still my moral and ethical responsibility to treat the personal needs of my patient and work for the best possible outcome.

Nursing and Healthcare Professionals. Not only is nursing concerned with patient relationships, but also it involves relations with many other health care professionals as well, for nursing care could not be effective would not effective without the help of other health care professionals. In the past, health care relationships stemmed from the hierarchal basis, and communication took place on a vertical level, nursing essays examples, but with health care delivery evolving, interdisciplinary teamwork has become a prominent aspect of inpatient care.

Communication is a key element in any relationship and it is essential in health care relationships. I would like for my relationship with other health care professionals to be one of collaboration, rather than competition. I feel that effective patient care and positive patient outcomes should be the driving force behind interprofessional health care relationships.

Nursing and Work Culture. Work culture is the attitude and personality of a hospital unit, and I feel that work culture can significantly influence patient care delivery.

My preferred work culture would be one consisting of interprofessional collaboration, open communication, nursing essays examples, and positive attitudes. Teamwork is an essential component of nursing, and I would like to work on a unit in which teamwork is valued and put into practice. Communication is critical for positive work culture, and I personally would like a culture in which the opinion of the staff is encouraged and valued. It is my philosophy that a positive work culture will positively affect patient morale, and this contributes to better patient outcomes.

Nursing and the Environment and Society. As a nurse, I feel as though my responsibility to the health and safety of others goes farther than the hospital or the clinic I work in. Since my philosophy of nursing is more than a profession and that is something that is focused on the commitment to public service, it would be unethical for me to ignore the health care needs of my community.

As a nurse, it nursing essays examples very important that I aid in addressing the healthcare needs of my personal community and environment as well as society as a whole.

I feel as though it is my duty and responsibility to take an active role in healthcare issues in the country, including issues such as smoking cessation and primary prevention of health nursing essays examples. I personally would like to be a resource for my environment and take a role in health promotion throughout society. Nurses across the nation should take an active role in promoting health across the nation in working for the safety of all individuals, nursing essays examples.

Not only do I feel as though it nursing essays examples important to focus on my community, but I also feel responsible for helping those who have limited healthcare access, especially those in underprivileged areas of the world. I desire to take part in medical trips overseas to promote health education and wellness in areas where this information is limited. The vision of Personal Nursing Practice. My vision for nursing practice focuses on what is doing what is most beneficial to my patient, nursing essays examples.

I hope to build caring, nursing essays examples, trusting relationships with my patients as well as play a positive role in their health outcomes, nursing essays examples. No two patients will ever be the same, and my vision is to individualize nursing essays examples for each of my patients so their personal, emotional, and physical needs can be met.

I always want to value each patient as an individual and respect his or her nursing essays examples and dignity. My goal is to empower each patient to be active in their care in hopes of improving patient outcomes.

Personally, I would like to continue to practice nursing care that is congruent with the best evidence to date and continue to research and discover better nursing essays examples of doing things. My vision of my nursing practice is to deliver quality and reliable patient care while promoting health in my community. Through this philosophy paper, nursing essays examples, I have explored what nursing truly means to me, nursing essays examples, and have become more aware of the principles I value for clinical practice.

I value holistic nursing and want to value each patient as an individual with varying needs. Interprofessional collaboration is an aspect I hope to implement in my nursing practice in order to better serve my patients.

I desire to work in a healthy working environment in which open communication is encouraged. Nursing is something I plan to extend beyond the hospital in an effort to improve the health of my community and the country as a whole.

This information and these personal values will serve as a guide for my personal standards of nursing practice. My nursing philosophy is characterized by holistic, empathetic, and culturally sensitive care to all my patients and their relatives. It is essential to me to be a patient advocate, provider, teacher, manager, nursing essays examples, and leader because I think that we as nurses should deliver the highest quality nursing care in order to accomplish excellence in patient outcomes.

To me, nursing is about compassion and trying to understand human beings on all emotional, physical, and scientific levels. As a professional nurse, I feel a personal commitment toward life-long learning, through formal education and hands-on experience to better myself and my nursing knowledge.

My personal nursing philosophy characterizes the discipline of nursing using the four meta-paradigms concepts: person, environment, health, and nursing. First of all, I believe that the profession of nursing is all about people.

Care involves the whole patient and not just a single illness or health concern treated in isolation from the whole. This is very important because people are members of a larger community with different features and characteristics that influence greatly our patients, so we cannot separate patients from their environment because they are interrelated. Third, I believe that health is a dynamic state that exists on a continuum from wellness to illness and shifts in response to environmental factors.

Health is nursing essays examples about quality of life. I work in a hospital where I routinely encounter patients that have experienced trauma in their lives or suffer from multiple chronic and acute physical and mental health conditions. Lastly, I think that nursing involves being with individual patients or communities and being engaged at the moment.

This process of being engaged in meaningful relationships requires we as nurses to be actively involved. The nursing process nursing essays examples holistic, patient-focused care, and a problem-solving approach in relationship with patients and their families. Every person has different needs, and thus requires a different plan of action.

Care must be planned according to each person or persons involved, which is why we use the nursing process. This system helps us better organize a plan that will accommodate the needs of our patients.

While we often assume a nurse only works with an individual, we forget that as nurses our role is to help families and those in the community as well. We can nursing essays examples direct care to our patients, nursing essays examples, and use indirect care for families and communities. The first step in delivering nursing care is assessment. This is a systematic and dynamic way to collect and analyze data about the patient.

The diagnosis reflects not only that the patient is in pain, but that the pain has caused other problems such as anxiety, poor nutrition, and conflict within the family, or has the potential to cause complications-for example, respiratory infection is a potential hazard to an immobilized patient.

Third, based on the assessment and diagnosis, the nurse sets measurable and achievable short- and long-range goals for this patient that might include moving from a bed to chair at least three times per day; maintaining adequate nutrition by eating smaller, more frequent meals; resolving conflict through counseling, or managing pain through adequate medication.

Then, the implementation takes place. Nursing care is implemented according to the care plan, so continuity of care for the patient during hospitalization and in preparation for discharge needs to be assured. Finally, the evaluation concludes this process.

My personal belief system has always been to be compassionate and caring. In the nursing profession, you need to have an overwhelming amount of compassion and caring for your patients and their families. For example, I work on the telemetry and med surgical floor where sometimes I take care of chronically ill patients, and there are a lot of complicated emotional issues that need to be recognized and addressed by the health care professional.

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nursing essays examples

Apr 09,  · Nursing Essay Introduction Example: “The hospital-based switch training university-based change has made a major impact on the way nurses operate in the workforce. Substantial changes have helped shape and improve the role of a nurse, working conditions, and a nurse’s blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Aug 30,  · Nursing Admission Essay Example. Nursing is a profession that has been around for centuries and it’s one of the most important professions. It’s also one of the most rewarding occupations because nurses often care for people who are sick, disabled, or dying. Nurses perform many different tasks such as checking vital signs, administering Aug 02,  · Find a necessary Nursing essay sample in a minute. Back to categories. Home. Essays. Nursing. System Evaluation and Healthcare Policy - Paper Example. The global healthcare sector is continually changing and nurses, as part of this industry, need to keep up with these changes. The input of nurses in matters relating to

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