Minor Thesis. The Minor Thesis (MT) is a substantial piece of writing (16, words) that can be taken as a component of a number of postgraduate awards, including a Masters by coursework degree (for example, Master of Theological Studies or Master of Divinity) and some Graduate Diplomas, and is the core component of the Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology The Theology Dissertations Series is comprised of dissertations authored by Marquette University's Theology Department doctoral students. Follow. Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Biased in a World of Bias: A Cognitive and Spiritual Approach to Knowing Racial Justice, Stephen Calme. PDF rows · Sample Student Theses. Below are downloads (PDF format) of the M.A. (Religion) theses
Minor Thesis | University of Divinity
Selected U. Supreme Court Cases Viewed Through the Lenses of the Lutheran Two Kingdoms DoctrineLarry Hendricks. Demonic Possession, Exorcism, and Pastoral CarePaul Sherouse. Confronting and Utilizing Conflict in the ParishDavid Becker. The Three-Self Principle as a Model for the Indigenous ChurchPeter Dorn. Effective Pastoral Care for the BereavedMichael Klatt.
Selections Translated from the Loci Theoiogici by Johann GerhardCharles Paulson. The Material Principle of Lutheran Theology as a Hermeneutical PresuppositionRalph Blomenberg, masters of divinity thesis. Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Philosophy of ReligionAlan Borcherding. Gifts of the SpiritGlenn Nielsen. The Gift of Prophecy in the New TestamentKevin Popp. Paul's Apostolic Authority and his First Letter to the CorinthiansRobert Weinhold.
The Predestinarian Controversy and its Effects on the Missouri Synod's Masters of divinity thesis Toward Lutheran UnityJohn Wohlrabe. The Whole Counsel of God: A Study of the Development of the Church Year and the Pericopal SystemNeil Andersen. Soli Deo Gloria: The Relationship Between Christianity and the ArtsFrederic Baue.
The Reformation in Norway: A Historical-Bibliographical SurveyJack Preus. Two Early Church Homilies ComparedRussell Sommerfeld. Luther's Attitude Toward Religious Toleration in Light of his Two Kingdom DoctrineRichard Elseroad.
Guilt in the Parish Ministry-A Pastoral Perspectivemasters of divinity thesis, Dale Kleimola. The Way International, its History, Theology and Impact on the Churchmasters of divinity thesis, Douglas Morton.
The Immortality of the Soul Versus the Resurrection of the DeadJohn Sattler. New Testament Prayer as Found in the Epistle of JamesMark Whitsett. Eschatological and Eucharistic Motifs in LukePaul Deterding.
The Lutheran Confessions and St. Paul's Epistle to the RomansMark Wangerin. The Development of the Mission of the Church in ActsJames Heining. The Bahai Faith- A Theological Analysis of a World ReligionMark Mueller. The Development and Significance of Confirmation in the Lutheran ChurchMasters of divinity thesis Rist.
Project--Disciple-A Model for Parish Youth MinistryThomas Hirsch. The Relationship Between the Holy Spirit and Baptism in the New TestamentPaul Peckman. A Pastoral Response masters of divinity thesis the Charismatic MovementJack Schneider. An Investigation of Logos Tou Theou in the New TestamentGlenn Zander.
Pastoral Counseling with the Dying Child and his FamilyKenneth Doka. An Analysis of Reinhold Niebuhr's Critique of Martin Luther's Two Kingdom DoctrineJack Flachsbart. A Comparison Measurement of Law and Gospel in Selected Sermons of Saint Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux, Jonathan Edwards, Phillips Brooks, and Walter A.
MaierDavid Gunderlach. Motivation to Prepare for MinistryKent Hunter. An Examination and Exposition of Process-Thought and Extrapolation of its Themes for Theological UseChristian Just, masters of divinity thesis. A History of the Development of Lutheran Church—Canada and the Purposes for its Masters of divinity thesisPaul Langohr. The Lord's Supper in Paul and in Mark: A Critique of the Position of Professor Willi MarxsenReinhold Miessler.
An exegetical investigation of the concept of Yahweh's presence as expressed masters of divinity thesis יהוֹחצמד [yhwh ʻmkh romanized form ] and its variationsWilliam Moorhead.
Contemporary Extramarital Sexual Behavior- Insights and TheologyRobert Sielaff, masters of divinity thesis. God as PhenomenonCharles Yunghans. Confidences to Clergymen: Their Legal Status as Privileged InformationLynn Claussen. Shepherd, Sheep, and Goats; A Study in Old Testament Concepts and ImageryJack Ferguson.
Attitudes in the Early Church Affecting Petrine Primacymasters of divinity thesis, Gilbert Franke. The Pastor's Role and Suicide BereavedMichael Haar. Ministry to the Terminal Patient its Problems and a Pastoral ApproachWayne Pafk. The Process of Developing a Programmed Course in Christian Doctrine for CatachumensPhilip Bohlken. An Autonomous Lutheran Church in Canada in a Time of Rising NationalismRoger Ellis.
What Sort of Personality Should the Pastor-Counselor HaveWalter Geist, masters of divinity thesis. A Comparative Study of the Doctrine of Scripture in Article 4 of the Apology of the Augsburg Confession with the Doctrine of Scripture in the Works of Kister StendahlJerry Kosberg. The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod and World War I-A Study of the Loyalty Problem During World War I and Theodore Conrad Graebner's Attempt to Solve itWalter Steinbach.
Michael Praetorius Creuzbergensis-The Man, the Musician, the Theologian: An IntroductionDavid Susan. Close CommunionStephen Bartelt. An Evaluation of the "Affirming Rural Mission" Workshop as a Vital Part of the Preparation of Lutheran Pastors for the Town and Country MinistryWilbur Gehrke.
The Scriptural and Confessional Stance of Masters of divinity thesis LutheranismArthur Gillespie. A Sociological Analysis of the Communiunity Immediately Surrounding Our Savior Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MissouriKenneth Haupt. An Investigation of the Origin and Development of the "Gesellschaft Zur Unterstutzung Von Prediger- U. Schullehrer- Wittwen U. Waisen Innerhalb Der Ev. Synode Von Missouri, Ohio U. Staaten"Erwin Lueker. Adolph A. Brux and Prayer Fellowship in the Lutheran Church-Missouri SynodJohn Marschhausen.
The Big Bopper Died For Your Sins: A Study of the Function of Rock as a Form of Religious Expression inn the World of YouthJohn Metzig.
The Understandings of Pornography in the Behavioral Sciences and the Lutheran Church--Missouri SynodPaul Metzler. A Study of the Eschatological Interpretation of Christianity with Particular Reference to Juergen Moltmann's Theology of HopeHenry Millhorn. A Prolegomenon to New Testament Language In Light of Contemporary Linguistic Analysis: A Look at Paul's Meaning and Use of Theological Language in I CorinthiansJohn Stern.
The Origin of Origen's OriginsKenneth Bernthal. The History of Women's Rights in the Lutheran Church--Missouri SynodRobert Fitzpatrick. The Influence of Zion Theology on the Centralization of the CultKurt Hendel. Secularization in the Centralization of the Cult in DeuteronomyMarvin Huggins.
The Bread of Life Discourse in John 6: A Survey of Select LiteratureRonald Jones, masters of divinity thesis. The Literary Relationship Between the Gospels of John and Luke with Special Reference to JohnThomas Niermann.
Various Muslim Interpretations of the Curcifixion of Jesus in the Qur'anRodney Otto. The Covenant Comes of Age: A Study of JeremiahThomas Decker. An Inquiry of Dialogical Preaching: Its Purpose, Procedure, and EvaluationEdward Hummel.
Marxist Humanism in Dialogue with ChristianityRichard Lischer. The Role of the Quote from Psalm 82 in JohnColin Liske. The Thematic Structure of the Third Book of MatthewMichael Gruel.
Reality as a Basis for Religious EducationDonald Jerke. The Counselor's Role in Encouraging the Adolescent to Christian Love with Special Reference to Carl Rogers' Theory of CounselingJames Laatsch. The Cursing of the Barren Fig Tree MarkRonald Lehenbauer. Portent and Providence- An Investigation of the Puritan Habit of Deciphering the Masters of divinity thesis of God in the Natural and the Preternatural with Special Reference to "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel HawthorneMilton Sernett.
The Unwed Mother: The Psychological and Sociological FactorsNorman Stoppenhagen. The Church's Approach to Death and the FuneralWilliam Matzat. The Adolescent and the Inner-CityEdwin Rehrauer. Basic Considerations in Understanding the Goal Of Faith in the Sermons of John DonneCarlton Riemer. The German-Russians: Their Heritage and their Role in the Lutheran Church--Missouri SynodVernon Schindler. Is Christ the Son in the Parable of the Wicked HusbandmenStephen Carter. Grief and the Pastormasters of divinity thesis, Galen Drawbaugh.
Mythical Criticism- An Evaluation of Rudolf BultmannRobert Gutheil. John the Baptizer, Is He Elijah Who is to Come? The Eastern Orthodox Doctrine of Grace with a Masters of divinity thesis Perspectivemasters of divinity thesis, James Childs. Oscar Cullmann's Concept of TimeJohn Fuchs.
The Serpent Motif in Genesis 3: Some Systematic Implications Drawn from its Place in the Thought of Early IsraelJohn Gienapp. John in the Light of Historical InterpretationJohn Francis Niermann.
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Jan 13, · Admission Requirements for Online Graduate Divinity Programs A regionally or nationally accredited bachelor’s degree with a or above GPA Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins The Theology Dissertations Series is comprised of dissertations authored by Marquette University's Theology Department doctoral students. Follow. Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Biased in a World of Bias: A Cognitive and Spiritual Approach to Knowing Racial Justice, Stephen Calme. PDF Master of Divinity Thesis. Follow. Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Selected U.S. Supreme Court Cases Viewed Through the Lenses of the Lutheran Two Kingdoms Doctrine, Larry Hendricks. Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Demonic Possession, Exorcism, and Pastoral Care, Paul Sherouse. Theses
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