Saturday, November 27, 2021

Essay about competition

Essay about competition

essay about competition

Essay on Competition in Our Society – Opposition and cooperation occur in every society although their form and direction are cul­turally conditioned. Opposition may be defined as a struggle against another or others for a com­modity, goal or value. Cooperation is a joint venture with another or others for a commodity, goal or value. Opposition [ ] Nov 15,  · The essay writing competition was initiated to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child. Primary school learners wrote essays on the importance of sending girls to school, while secondary school learners wrote about how Covid lockdowns affected girls in their communities Describe your experience participating in a singing competition. - by Waverly Kong SMK Chung Hua, Miri, Sarawak. Last Saturday, I took part in a singing competition organised by the management of a shopping mall. A total of 32 contestants participated in the contest. As it was my first participation, I was really excited about it

Book Essay: Peterhouse essay competition top writing team!

Here's his winning essay, "Pop. Joe Brauer shivered in the cold December wind as he stared at the headstone in front of him. He always came in December and it was always cold, bone-deep cold, just as it had been on the day his father was put into the ground forever. He stared at the stone, blinking back the tears, and wished his father were alive and with him again. He bent down and grabbed its cold sides in his strong hands and attempted to extract it from the ground, imagining that if he could only lift it out, he would somehow also raise his father with it to be with him once more.

He wished hard to have him back, to warn him of the danger that lay ahead, to stop him from killing himself. He tugged at the icy, gray stone with all his strength. Come back! Come back to happier times, to your wife and kids.

We want to see you again. Come back. Joe strained harder at the stone. He felt all the muscles tighten in his arms, legs and back, essay about competition. The blood pounded in his temples essay about competition his cramped fingers lost their feeling.

A sensation of dizziness came over him as he gave one last, mighty heave…. I was sitting on a park bench, the sturdy, cement-end type with green wooden slats, and I immediately knew exactly where I was, but not when I was. I stared at him. His lips moved occasionally as he chatted with the immigrant Italian barber. How can I be seeing him now? Dead — his life cut short by lung cancer from the two packs of cigarettes he smoked every day for almost forty years.

What the hell was going on here? I looked at myself, my hands, my watch, my essay about competition. All appeared normal. was correct —and I knew I was sixty-six years old. Patsy was finished and Pop came out the front door. He lit up a Camel, inhaled deeply, and slowly released the blue smoke from his mouth and nostrils as a satisfied look came over his face. He came across the avenue, sat on the bench next to mine, and pulled a folded Daily News from his jacket pocket. He opened the paper from the back page, the sports section, and tilted his ever-present fedora back on his head.

He lit another cigarette and the breeze drifted the smoke past my nose. The first puff from that Camel smelled delicious. The rich tobacco odor triggered memories of my own smoking days, and the urge to light up a Lucky arose momentarily in me, although I had not had one between my lips for over twenty years. Such was the power of this aromatic, but deadly, brown leaf.

I looked over at him. It was time to make my move. He reached out his hand and we shook on our formal introduction, essay about competition. I essay about competition back a sob as I grasped his strong right hand in mine. The last time I touched that hand it was deathly cold and clutched rosary beads. He coughed that oh-so-familiar hacking cough I had heard each morning as he got out of bed and lit the first cigarette before his feet hit the floor.

Had the tumor grown too big already? I decided to take the plunge. He had put his paper down on the bench and turned to look more directly at me, essay about competition. It was now or never. Your boy. Just a few minutes. He looked back at me for a long moment, half-sitting, half-standing. Slowly he sat back down. He knows, essay about competition. He knows who I am. I just wanted to see you again, to tell you that I loved essay about competition, that we all loved you.

About the past. About trying to change the past. Maybe I essay about competition just be happy to have this time with you on this beautiful spring day inand let it go at that. To warn you, essay about competition. To keep you from dying. To let you live longer than you did.

How did I die? He coughed. I realized then that my mission was doomed to fail. It was and he died inonly eleven years from now. The tumor was already off to a good start, spreading its deadly tentacles deeper into his essay about competition. If he threw his cigarettes away right now and never lit up again, he would probably continue on his rendezvous with Death on that cold, December day anyway.

I was literally talking with a dead man. I used to look at it and you told me you were stupid for getting it and that I should never get one. You said it was put on with needles and it hurt very much. You know what? At my birthmark. I put my right foot on the bench and drew the leg of my jeans up, essay about competition, exposing the top of my knee. Look at the shape of it. Like Africa, remember? Now do you believe me? He shuddered a little and straightened the fedora on his essay about competition. He stopped and turned back toward me.

He hesitated, then stepped toward me and grabbed my hand and shook it. I wanted to squeeze his hand and pull him toward me and hug him with all my might, but I gradually released my grip and let him go.

I love you! He turned and I saw that he was somewhat pale and unsteady. I watched him as he slowly made his way home. He got blurry in my vision and moved in and out of focus. The sun seemed to suddenly brighten and I felt dizzy. I grabbed the back of the essay about competition bench to steady myself.

He turned into the driveway. In a moment he would be gone. He stopped, looked back toward me, and tipped his fedora. I frantically waved a suddenly heavy right arm. And then he was no more.

Joe Brauer was momentarily confused as he winced from the cold blast of air in his face. His right arm ached and he wondered what the hell it was doing extended in the air, palm out, fingers spread, almost as if he had been waving to someone.

He brought it to his side and thrust it into his coat pocket. Glancing quickly around, he was relieved to see that essay about competition one had seen him.

What was it doing up there anyway, he wondered? He had a strange feeling, as if he had just awakened from an intense dream, essay about competition. He turned to walk away from the headstone when a tremendous pain rocked his chest and bolted down his right arm essay about competition it to jerk upwards as he fell to the ground.

At least he died happy. Joe found himself walking in a grassy park on a mild, spring day. A few seconds after the familiar odor of fresh cigarette smoke reached him, essay about competition, he saw his father sitting on a bench. The bench was not unlike those in the square by the house in which he had grown up — green slats and cement ends. For all those visits you made in the cold to the cemetery, but especially for your love.

It takes an awful lot of love to do what you did, you know. It took a lot of love and willpower to do that.

How to Win a Writing Contest (Tips from a Contest Judge)

, time: 7:06

Immerse Essay Competition | Cambridge & Oxford Summer School

essay about competition

Oct 21,  · Congratulations to LC Helms, first place winner in the Memoir/Personal Essay category of the 90th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition. Here's the winning essay, "Passion’s War." Essay Paper Help ‘If you haven’t already tried taking essay paper help from TFTH, I strongly suggest that you do so right away. I used to wonder how a company Essays About Competition can service an essay help so well Essays About Competition that it earns such rave reviews from every other student. But the, I got essay help online from them and realised why that is the case’ Oct 21,  · Congratulations to Henry Hack, first place winner in the Inspirational/Spiritual Essay category of the 90th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition. Here's his winning essay, "Pop."

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